Greetings CCP Covenant Partners*,
I hope you and your families are well during this extraordinary time in our lives, and that even as you experience stress and uncertainty, that you also can sense God's presence in the beauty we can still see all around us.
I'm writing to you because in December we'll be electing new officers, and due to the pandemic and with the church building being closed, we need to meet together as members in an unprecedented way - using video conferencing. You can attend the congregational meeting using a "smart" device (a computer, tablet, or smartphone connected to the internet using Zoom) - or using a telephone (listening only).
Voting is possible using video conferencing, but there are unfortunately limitations for secret ballot voting:
If you're watching the meeting alone, you'll be able to vote.
If you're watching with others, each person watching on their own device will be able to vote.
If you're watching with others and sharing a device, only one person will be able to vote.
If you're listening to the meeting on your telephone, you will not be able to vote.
As with every congregational meeting, we'd like as many Covenant Partners as possible to attend and vote. If you find yourself in a situation where you will not be able to vote, and you very much want to vote, please let your flock leader know and we will do our best to accommodate you.
In Christ,
Chet Tanaka
Clerk of Session