• Sundays - March 30 & April 6: EGG STUFFING @ 12pm
    Come help us stuff candy, stickers etc. in 3,000 eggs for our egg hunt. Join the congregation after service in the fellowship hall.

  • Saturday, April 12: EGG HUNT @ 11am
    Join us at Hollywood Park (SW side of the park). Three hunts for different ages (5 yo and younger, 6-8 yo, 9-11 yo). Please bring your own basket and a canned donation for our Little Free Pantry.

  • Friday, April 18: TRI CHURCH GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE @ 7:30pm
    Joint Good Friday service with Lakeside and Devon at Lakeside Church of Chicago (3939 W Howard St, Skokie, IL 60076). Come remember Christ’s sacrifice for us on the cross, His blood shed for our sins. Refreshments to follow - refreshments welcomed, please note the common allergens.

  • Sunday, April 20: EASTER SUNDAY

    • Breakfast @ 9-10am: Share a meal in the Fellowship Hall

    • Grow Zone @ 10-10:30am: Kids ages 3 to 5th grade

    • Service @ 10:45am: Celebrate our Risen Savior! (There will be no Grow Zone or Nursery, but rooms will be available if parents need)