Where does my money go?

You can choose to give to:

  • Current Expenses: for funding staff, missionaries, utilities, and ministries

  • Building Fund: for upkeep of the church building

Are there any fees?

CCP will accept ACH transfers from bank accounts.  The fee is $0.25 per donation that you can choose to cover or not.  Please don’t use a debit card because these donations incur an additional 2.15% fee.

Can I give with a credit card?

No. We do not accept credit card payments.

Is giving online safe?

Yes. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS, or more commonly, PCI) are a set of standards set forth by the four major card associations to protect cardholder data. All merchants and processors need to have physical, electronic, and procedural controls in place to ensure that cardholder data is stored and handled securely at all times.  CCP is using Planning Center to accept online donations.  Planning Center is a PCI Level One compliant merchant; they use  Stripe, one of the largest, most advanced payment processors in the world. Stripe is also a certified "PCI Service Provider Level 1" payment processor.

Click below for more information on how Planning Center further addresses security.

What if I forget my password?

Each time you login you will need to have a new security code emailed or texted to you.  There are no passwords to remember and your bank information will be kept securely for the next time you would like to make a donation.  There is also an option for recurring giving.

Do I get a receipt?

Yes, you will receive an email receipt immediately after giving. Our financial secretary will also distribute end of year giving statements in January.

Can I still mail in a check?

Of course!

Do you have other questions?

CONTACT: Joe Saiki, Financial Secretary 2025