Is Church of Christ, Presbyterian (CCP) opened for in person worship?

Yes! CCP offers an in-person service at 10:45 am every Sunday.  

what do i need to do to attend the service in person?

What do I need to do to attend the service in person?

  • Answer the “Day of” Self-screening questions found on the church website.

  • Wearing a mask at all times is required for adults and children ages 2 and up. If you forget your mask, free masks will be available at the check-in table. Note: Worship leaders and speakers are not required to wear masks while on stage but are expected to wear their masks at all other times.

  • Check-In at the Spaulding Avenue sanctuary doors at 10:30 am.

Do I need to be vaccinated to attend in person worship?

No, but to help keep you, our congregation and our community safe, we encourage you to get vaccinated.

what will the service be like?

The things you’re used to in our Sunday service will still be there— live worship, a great message and friendly faces! But, in order to ensure that everyone is safe, some things will be different. You will check-in at the Spaulding sanctuary doors before service. We will not pass an offering plate and you will be dismissed in sections to prevent crowds from forming at our designated entrance and exit. You will be able to fellowship outdoors.

will my temperature be taken as i enter the church?

Only if you forgot to self-screen at home. We are asking everyone to self-screen at home. If you have a fever of 100 degrees or above, a cough or sore throat, shortness of breath, or contact with anyone confirmed to have COVID-19 (in the past 14 days), please stay home and worship with us online. You can click here for the list of self-screening questions.

How many attendees are allowed in the sanctuary?

We are opened at full capacity. Seating will be every other row.

What about Social Distancing?

We are asking that attendees continue to practice social distancing, 6 ft apart when appropriate. Attendees can be seated in the sanctuary in their family groups or friend pods if they choose to do so.

How about the “traffic flow” of people?

We ask that everyone, except volunteers, enter the church through the Spaulding sanctuary doors.  Restroom facilities are accessible and limited to one person at a time. One way flow will help us minimize cross traffic in the smaller areas of the facilities, please follow the arrows.  After our worship service, ushers will give directions on how to safely exit.

What about programming for preschool, children, students, & college students?

Pre-school-5th grade: At 10 am twice a month through August, there is an on-line lesson for Grow Zone children (ages 3 years old through 5th grade). Every Sunday there is a Grow Zone class during the worship service.

Junior and Senior High school will continue to meet via Zoom. Junior High and Senior High Youth groups are meeting in person on Friday nights at 7:30 pm. 

College age/Young Adults meet in person and online at various times.

How are the facilities cleaned and prepared for worship services?

  • Cleaning and disinfecting procedures take place before and after every service. 

  • Our services and guest interactions are intentionally touch-free (e.g., no hugs or handshakes).

  • Per state guidelines, there is more empty space between parties seated in the sanctuary. 

  • Proper measures have been taken to increase ventilation/air flow within the building.

  • Hand sanitizer stations are available at entries and exits as well as throughout the building.

contract tracing

You will be notified if an attendee is diagnosed with Covid-19.

How will the offering be handled?

Offerings can be given in the Offering box, located near the back of the sanctuary for donations made in-person. Online options for giving can be accessed here.

What if I am not comfortable returning in person?

That is okay! We know everyone has a different level of comfort, so please do what you feel is best for you and your family—whether that’s watching from home or joining us in person. We will continue to offer our livestream worship service. To view the livestream click here.

Is my small group allowed to meet during the week?

Yes! Because your safety is important to us, it is recommended that in-person groups be limited to 15 people and group leaders will ask members to follow “Day of” Self-screening questions and other safety guidelines (use of masks, social distancing, etc.). Please contact us to reserve a time and a space. A group can also continue to meet virtually.

Thank you for being the church in uncertain and challenging times. This past year has been an extraordinary challenge for all of us, but God has been faithful in the midst of it all.